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"Hi Helen,

Many thanks for the email and for making me feel welcome at the sessions. I’ve really enjoyed the first two classes and I think that this will become an important part of my life. I wasn’t expecting so much explanation about why we do particular exercises and find this really valuable – you are a natural at leading the classes." Howard

"Hi Helen,

I used to visit my back man every 3-4 months to iron out the kinks and 
keep me mobile (I'm 69). At my wife's suggestion I joined her at Helen's 
Pilates sessions. Since then my visits to the back man have dropped to 
once a year which is quite a saving but also makes for a more mobile 
lifestyle ! Men seem to be somewhat reticent about going to Pilates 
sessions - my suggestion is 'go for it' and feel the benefit." Simon

I find your classes really professionally run. You are clearly very knowledgable. You add variety to each class so time really goes quickly.  You have a very calming voice .

Having attended your classes I realise that the Pilates classes I have attended in the past have not really been adapted to each individual there.

I have been extremely impressed and haven't hesitated in encouraging others to attend your classes - Rachael

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